Les Bons Villers

In etymological terms, Les Bons Villers means “good land”; a perfectly fitting name for this charming village, given that over 80% of its land is still taken up with agriculture. And its bucolic countryside is not the only draw: rich with remarkable heritage, it exudes a typically rural charm, whilst enjoying an ideal location on the border between Brabant Wallon and Hainaut. Les Bons Villers is a place that is very much focused on its citizens and sustainable development, where life is good, where people know each other and get involved in community life, where there is high quality education on offer and where everyone can indulge in his or her passions, whatever they happen to be. Curious to find out more? Follow the guide!
Address : Place de Frasnes, 1 – 6210 Les Bons Villers
Right in the middle of the countryside, Les Bons Villers has a population of over 9,500 and is made up of 5 villages: Frasnes-lez-Gosselies, Mellet, Rèves, Villers-Perwin and Wayaux. Just on the border between Brabant Wallon and Hainaut, it neighbours the three Brabançon municipalities of Genappe, Nivelles and Villers-la-Ville as well as the three Hennuyère municipalities of Charleroi, Fleurus and Pont-à-Celles. Intersected by the N5, Les Bons Villers is also at the crossroads of two major Walloon motorways, the A54 and the E42.
Rural affairs and sustainable development
In etymological terms, Les Bons Villers means “good lands”, “a good settlement”: a reference to the history and rural nature of this village where over 80% of the land is still devoted to agriculture. This municipality, which is fully invested in the notion of sustainable development, has been implementing rural development programmes for a number of years now aimed at making better use of local resources (and therefore promoting shorter marketing circuits), supporting green energy and encouraging gentle mobility. It is also a backer of other initiatives, often with an ecological slant, aimed at strengthening social ties and improving the quality of life of its inhabitants, the Bonsvillersois. These rural development operations centre around a process with participation at its core, bringing elected local representatives together with citizens and the life force of the area. As you will have gathered: Les Bons Villers is a dynamic municipality geared very much towards its inhabitants, where living well is something to be preserved and cultivated on a daily basis by getting everyone involved. Because in Les Bons Villers, projects are meant to be worked on together.
Folklore and dynamism
Bonvillersois tend to know each other and never miss an opportunity to get together, especially when it concerns folklore, youth movements or its many associations. The different events committees also put on a series of original events, such as the Bons Apéros Villersois (after-work drinks), gastronomic and torchlit marches or its weekend fairs which stage many different concerts and activities every year for people of all ages.
Singular charm
Living in Les Bons Villers means enjoying its pace of life and all the advantages of country living, but also enjoying the singular charm of its beautiful stonework. The area can indeed be proud of its heritage which includes an aldermen’s chamber dating back to the 12th century, the beautiful roman-style chapel of Notre-Dame-du-Roux, a remarkable 13th century dungeon, as well as the dovecote farm and Rèves castle. In addition to this wonderful heritage, Bonsvillersois are fortunate enough to have at their disposal high-quality nursery, primary and secondary schools which attract pupils from all over the neighbouring area and are accessible by public transport. They also enjoy remarkable infrastructure such as the Pierpont golf course, the municipal sporting complex, go-karting at Frasnes-lez-Gosselies and a series of walks criss-crossing the whole area.
Allow yourself to be won over by this charming municipality which stands out for its vitality and warmth.
Practical matters
- Nearby shops, local commerce, supermarket, pubs, restaurants and cafés
- 8 schools and 83 early years childcare places
- 3 retirement homes
- Medical centre
- TEC + local bus
- Libraries for games and books
- Charleroi Brussels South airport (8 km)
- Business park
- Residential municipality, mainly rural
- Attractive villages thanks to a municipal planning scheme based on maintaining a certain style and density per area
Leisure activities
- Pierpont golf course
- Sports complex & tennis courts
- Indoor go-karting
- Very active youth movements
- Events committees (villers-en-fete.be, fetesdereves.com, grandfeumellet.be, Frasnes Fair)
- Many associations to choose from