Nursery and primary schools
Charleroi Métropole has a variety of nursery (children from 2.5 - 5 years old) and primary (children from 6 - 12 years old) schools. Receive more information from your borough or find all of Charleroi Métropole’s schools here.
Finding a school

Belgian basic education comprises three education networks all following a common base curriculum: the education organised by the fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles [Wallonia-Brussels Federation], the official subsidised education (which includes the education organised by the boroughs and provinces – CECP and CPEONS) and free subsidised education.
Alternative education
A number of schools in Charleroi Métropole offer alternative education models, such as Freinet, Steiner, etc. For example, the Ecole des Éoliennes in Gourdinne, the Ecole des étoiles in Charleroi, the Steiner School in Châtelineau.
Specialist schools
Charleroi Métropole is particularly concerned with children who have a disability. You will find all of the specialist schools via this link. Hainaut Province also has a support policy regarding this topic across 76 services for citizens.
Boarding schools and accommodation near school
There are various boarding schools for primary school pupils in Charleroi Métropole. In particular, the boarding schools of Beaumont, Charleroi, Chimay, Fleurus, Gosselies, Couvin (also for pupils with special educational needs), Mariembourg (exclusively for pupils with special educational needs), or Philippeville. You can access useful information via the annuaire des internats [directory of boarding schools] in the French Community.