Toolbox against social dumping

A first: on several levels...

The “against social dumping” toolbox is the result of a collaborative process involving several partners: the Strategic Development Committee of the Charleroi Metropolitan Area, IGRETEC, trade unions (FGTB – CSC – CGSLB), the Building Confederation, Agoria, UCM, towns, municipalities and companies.
The initiative is a first on several levels. This handy guide has been specifically designed to be:
- SIMPLE: the Committee has designed the tools to be extremely easy to use;
- CONCISE: legislation governing public procurement is particularly complex and lengthy. The Committee’s solution is condensed into a few dozen pages.e
- PRACTICAL: the toolbox comes with easy-to-use templates and outlines.
- EFFECTIVE: the toolbox contains clear and precise clauses to be inserted into specifications and lists the documents that tenderers are required to provide so that the contracting authorities can verify that they are being respected and can sanction infractions heavily.
The initiative’s objectives are ambitious. They are intended to assist with:
- giving local SMEs and VSEs better access to public procurement procedures;
- ensuring the labour code and working conditions are respected;
- guaranteeing employment levels are maintained;
- limiting the abusive hiring of “posted workers”;
- promoting local supply.
Specifically, the toolkit consists of the following:
- A toolbox: handy and practical 57-page guide;
- Templates that can be applied (specifications, clauses to insert, report on the awarding of tenders, letters, list of on-site personnel, formal notice of breach…);
- Various practical reference documents (hourly wages according to the Joint Committee, useful contact details…).
Available to download via this link, the toolbox is free of copyright, validated by DG05 (Region of Wallonia) and is available to all contracting authorities in the public sector.