Everything you need to know about the brilliance of air purification

Deltrian, located in Fleurus and Châtelet, offers the best performing air filters on the market. The company provides technological solutions to purify the air, a technique also applied to the manufacture of its masks.
“Our filters retrieve all the harmful little particles which can be found in our environment. They purify the air and allow everyone to breathe clean air without any problems,” explained Jean Kalyvas, Chief Information & Marketing Officer.
Making ambient air as pure as possible is the task that the two founders of the company Deltrian set themselves. In 1967, Klauss Alexius and his wife began selling filters. Extremely affected by the problem – their son is asthmatic -, they identify all the issues linked to air quality and are constantly looking for better products to improve filtering.

In order to optimise the quality of the filters, the Alexius family decided to create its own products. They therefore developed an entire range of filters to be fitted onto air purification machines.
Where can these filters be found?
“All enclosed buildings, whether it be a house, school or business, must enable air flow in their design. There must be provision for ventilation, in which the filter can be found, thus guaranteeing good filtration,” explained Jean.
“This is exactly the same principle as a vacuum cleaner: after vacuuming, remove the filter and you’ll see the incredible number of harmful particles which can be found in the air.”

Deltrian mostly works with partners: companies which build and install air purification networks for professionals and private individuals purchase from them. Through this intermediary, Deltrian is present in numerous companies such as Sonaca, TEC, SNCB, Coca-Cola and Ikea.
An optimal filter guarantee
Deltrian also offers maintenance services for certain clients. “We work with numerous car production plants, such as Volvo, BMW, Renault etc.,” Jean explained. “We aim to ensure healthy environments. When the vehicles are painted, numerous paint particles are released. To ensure air filtration, one of our employees is assigned to one or two production sites, in order to ensure the optimisation of filters on a daily basis.”
The filters, installed inside the machines, are connected to applications. These applications provide day-by-day information regarding the state of these filters and notify the maintenance team when they are no longer 100% operational.

At the heart of a technological fabric
The quality of the filter is based on the choice of raw materials. In order to achieve this quality, Deltrian established a research and development team, via a labelled laboratory. “We guarantee the quality of our filters thanks to numerous analyses and experiments,” Jean told us.
Over the years, the Deltrian laboratory has genuinely built itself an international reputation. Numerous companies in different countries send them fabric in order to guarantee its quality and validate its compliance with commercial standards.
Masks that are just as effective as certified filters
The arrival of Covid-19 has encouraged the company to exploit a new product: face masks. “Making masks is actually quite similar to making filters. With our expertise in terms of fabrics, we can guarantee user safety.”

Deltrian has therefore implemented several mask production lines. It is also launching the production of surgical masks. The company won the Walloon Region’s invitation to tender and is therefore responsible for creating the region’s stock of masks.
A local and international network
For over 50 years, Deltrian’s expertise has attracted more and more international clients, while maintaining a local partner approach.
For each entity, the company invests in a local network throughout the city. The headquarters, based in Fleurus, works with different services (production lines, warehouses, logistics centres) established notably in Jumet, Châtelet or Philippeville.
Within this approach, it encourages the diversification of workers’ profiles, by working with sheltered workshops, such as Atelier Cambier or C.A.R.P.
At the same time, this company exports its expertise internationally. It has 14 export subsidiaries.

Air even more purified
While the importance of filtration has been known for a few years now, the average person has been able to reconsider the impact of poor air flow, for instance in respect of the Covid-19 pandemic. Other concerns, such as the harmful impact of atmospheric pollution, the sterilisation of operating rooms, and the air conditioning and insulation of homes, demonstrate the importance of developing efficient air purification tools.
In the future, Deltrian would like to optimise its filters and masks. It is currently working on a range of masks, for which the focus is to stop the spread of the virus directly on the fabric.

Contact :
Rue de Berlaimont 21A – ZI Martinrou
B-6220 Fleurus
+32 71 36 40 30