
A shared understanding...
In a context of climate change and growing awareness of health issues, some big changes are under way in the agri-food sector, which is looking to become a model that is:
· Healthier, more sustainable, more local;
· Trying out new economic models, from production through to distribution to the final customer.
For a number of years now, new players and innovative projects have been springing up around the Charleroi Metropolitan Area.
The agri-food cluster in the Charleroi Metropolitan Area, named FOOD.C, aims to structure, strengthen and multiply channels of production, processing, distribution and consumption within the agri-food sectors that are relevant to the area and its 600,000 inhabitants.
A preliminary study launched by the CATCH focus group has so far identified 3 structural areas of change for the area to look at and preparatory work has begun on the operational stage, involving stakeholders on the ground.
· Area 1 – Growth in demand for healthy, sustainable and universally accessible foodstuffs
· Area 2 – Growth in supply of healthy, sustainable and universally accessible foodstuffs
· Area 3 – Development of activities and services to support this growing ecosystem