2020-2021 academic year: new training courses worth checking out

Degree courses, evening classes, university college Bachelor programmes or university studies … whichever form of education you decide on, there are many new training courses in the wider Charleroi region to mark the start of the 2020-2021 academic year!
Encoder, mechanic, pedicurist or carpenter at IFAPME
IFAPME the Institut wallon de Formation en Alternance et des indépendants et Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (Walloon Institute for Dual Learning, Self-Employed Workers and Small and Medium-sized Businesses) is offering 4 new courses for the new 2020 academic year in the Charleroi region. Young people from the age of 15 can now learn how to programme computers as part of the “assistant-developer” course or become a bicycle pro by enrolling for the “bicycle mechanic” course.
If personal grooming and well-being services are more your thing, you should know that the “pedicurist” training programme has just been launched. The course is open to students starting from age 18 and is certain to tempt people who are retraining for a new job.
The “administrative assistant” study programme is another new addition. So much so that it is the victim of its own success, with all places for this year already taken.
There is also good news regarding the equipment! New digital machines are now in place to be used by student carpenters.

Full degree courses at the Campus of UCharleroi
This year, the ULB (Free University of Brussels) and UMONS (University of Mons) are broadening the study programme offering at the Campus UCharleroi. From now on, students can enrol for the full Bachelor of Engineering Science programme in Charleroi, whereas previously only the first year was taught at the campus.
The ULB also recently set up its Fablab at the Mail Sorting Office facility, right next to Charleroi-Sud railway station. This digital manufacturing workshop is intended to boost innovation in a wide number of different areas with the help of partners (Cetic, Technofutur TIC, Hub Créatif Charleroi Métropole, Charleroi Entreprendre…).
Finally, the ULB is currently also preparing a Master’s study programme in Biochemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology for 2021.

Bachelor’s degree in IT
A major new study programme to mark the start of the new academic year is the Bachelor of computer science that is being organised in Charleroi. This is a first for Wallonia. In providing this study programme, UCLouvain (Louvain Catholic University), in association with UNamur (Namur University) and HELHa (Louvain University College in Hainaut), are acting in response to a genuine need in the labour market.
Become an expert in a cutting-edge digital technology
Technofutur TIC is introducing three new degree courses in state-of-the-art digital technologies in September. The courses focus on specialist fields such as digital data processing (BI et Big Data Consultant) and JAVA and .NET programming. These study programmes too will help to address gaps in the labour market in the field of IT.

Other training courses in your local area
This list of new study programmes and training courses that are available in the wider Charleroi area is by no means exhaustive: there is a wide range of other courses that have been around for quite a few years! So please do not hesitate to get in touch directly with the educational institution of your choice to find out more. Whether you are looking at evening classes, distance learning, continuing education or lifelong learning, there are any number of options open to you to keep up with the latest developments in your field or to become an expert in new areas.