Numerous research centres
The Charleroi Metropolitan Area is home to a number of research centres that are recognised as among the best in Europe.
To name just a few: there is Cenaero, which specialises in aeronautics, Cetic, which specialises in information and communication technologies, Immune Health, known for its expertise in life sciences, Certech, renowned for its work in chemistry, and Sirris, technology industry sector specialist.
The Brussels South Charleroi Biopark site gathers university research institutes, technology platforms, companies, research development organisations, incubators and a biotechnology training centre.
Biopark plays an active role in the Walloon Health Cluster, as do the metropolitan area’s hospitals: the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire, the Grand Hôpital in Charleroi (GHDC), the Hôpital Notre-Dame de Grâce in Gosselies (CNDG), the Hôpital de Lobbes (Jolimont group), the Centre de Santé des Fagnes (CSF), etc.