aptaskil: train today for the future

Supporting the development of a region also means responding to the specific needs of businesses operating in sectors with high employment potential and looking for employees who are well trained in the trades these companies practice. This is exactly the mission aptaskil has set itself, and one that it is succeeding in with flying colours.
The Charleroi Metropolitan Area can yet again pride itself on hosting a skills training centre. Located in the Seneffe industrial estate, aptaskil is one of 22 Walloon Skills Training Centres co-ordinated by the Walloon Office for Employment Mediation and Occupational Training (Forem). The purpose of these skills centres which are all about innovation is to put their technical and educational expertise to best use in order to educate, raise awareness and train the workers of tomorrow.
Booming sectors
The first question you are probably asking yourself is: what are the aptaskil centres’ areas of expertise? The answer lies with its founders, which are companies operating in the chemical and life science industries (biopharmacy and biotechnology).

Preparing the ground upstream
Before delving into this offering, let’s take a look at a particularly relevant aspect of aptaskil’s mission: Science Adventure. As part of this project, the Skills Training Centre offers fun activities to find out more about and raise awareness of scientific and technical careers. The aim? To acquaint young people with the fascinating world of science and industry. This starts as early on as primary school level and continues throughout their school career, as their perception of this world builds and develops little by little over the years.
By highlighting and promoting studies and careers in these fields, aptaskil aims to rouse the interest of a new generation of future professionals. An excellent way of paving the way for training in these professions, which are currently in short supply.
High quality, free of charge
Looking for a new job? Looking to switch careers? Enrol for training in these professions at aptaskil. You will be supervised and guided by a team of over 50 first-class trainers, all of them true professionals in their field, with many years of hands-on experience. And that’s not all: classes and workshops are held in premises with cutting-edge infrastructure and technical and scientific equipment identical to that used in companies so as to reproduce actual industrial processes. The icing on the cake is that these training courses are completely free of charge for jobseekers.

Continuing education
Once you have started your career, the key thing is to continue your training on an ongoing basis as part of a lifelong learning endeavour, especially in highly innovative and constantly evolving sectors. aptaskil has developed a range of training courses for companies in 12 different industries: biopharmacy, biotechnology, chemistry, green and sustainable chemistry, cross-disciplinary skills, electricity, entrepreneurship, chemical engineering, health & safety initiation courses, maintenance, processes, measurement and regulation and analytical techniques. Seneffe’s Skills Training Centre also provides tailor-made training courses, where the content is developed depending on the specific needs of a company’s employees.
What is more, given its in-depth understanding of the needs of jobseekers and companies alike, aptaskil also acts as an effective go-between for jobseekers undergoing training and companies offering work experience placements and block release programmes.
Strengthening the central link
aptaskil is also interested in a crucial link in this skills chain: teachers. Whether they are teachers at secondary schools, or tutors at educational institutions or universities, these people are offered training courses that focus on the latest technological, scientific and regulatory developments in the chemical, biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries. Their students are not overlooked either: there is a specifically designed module for them that formally recognises their academic achievement and increases their chances of finding a job.
The highest distinction!
Let’s round things off with a few telling figures.
Aptaskil means:
- 3 400 m2 (soon to be 4,000) in premises,
- 1 complex of cleanrooms (soon to be 2),
- over 120 modules and 176,000 training hours per year,
- 3,300 people trained each year, with a successful employment rate of more than 85 %.
The satisfaction rate of all learners combined stands at 95% – the highest distinction!
All the more reason for people for whom this Skills Training Centre is intended to take an interest and enrol for a course.osité et motivation.
More details:
aptaskil asbl (non-profit organisation)
Seneffe site
Seneffe Industrial Estate (Zoning Industriel) – Zone C
Rue Charles Richet
7180 Seneffe – Belgium
Liège site
3 Boulevard Patience et Beaujonc
4000 Liège – Belgium
+32 64 / 31 07 00