Expanding your business network and exporting your goods & services

Alongside a particularly dense network of SMEs, many world-renowned companies have set up in the Metropolitan Area. The region has the skilled workforce to meet their skills needs.

Entrepreneurs’ clubs

The Charleroi Metropolitan Area brings together various business networks around entrepreneurship. Some of these are firmly rooted in the metropolitan area, such as B4C in Charleroi and GECO in Chimay.

Others, such as BNI (Business Network International), BàO and B19 have a broader geographical scope but have a branch in our region, as do other circles aimed at lady entrepreneurs, such as Madame Network.

Export support

The Charleroi Metropolitan Area companies have access to various forms of assistance and specialist support services to help them develop their skills and export their products here and elsewhere.

The Agence Wallonne à l’Exportation (AWEX) or the Walloon Export Agency is in charge of developing Wallonia’s international economic relations, including those of the Charleroi Metropolitan Area. The Agency organises the promotion of Walloon exports. As such, it is a fully-fledged support partner for Walloon exporters. AWEX is also works to attract foreign investment to Wallonia.