Discover the architectural heritage of the Charleroi Metropolitan Area and help to preserve it
Discover the architectural heritage of the Charleroi Metropolitan Area and help to preserve it
Home » Discover the architectural heritage of the Charleroi Metropolitan Area and help to preserve it
Recognising rural architectural heritage and restoring it are major challenges for future generations. It represents our collective memory, our ancestors’ heritage and bears witness to the history of our territory.
Bandstand from the late 19th century, Momignies (source: AWaP)
The Charleroi Metropolitan Area is one of the few regions in Wallonia to have retained an authentic rural character and exceptional traditional heritage. Castles, churches, old mills, farms, chapels, pottery barns, etc. are just some of the countless architectural features that enhance our region and make it attractive.
Romantic notions surrounding these different sites and buildings cause many citizens to become attached to them. However, most people do not understand the architectural features that make them interesting, due to the lack of tools and documents accessible to the majority of people.
If the region wants to hang on to its rural charm and authenticity, it is essential for its inhabitants to learn about what has shaped it and why the region has such rich heritage today.
Raising awareness of the need to preserve and promote this increasingly rare source of wealth is therefore essential!
This limestone water pump dates back to the first half of the 19th century in Chimay (source: AWaP)
This is why the Local Action Group (LAG) of the Botte du Hainaut, a not-for-profit association whose purpose is the rural development of the municipalities of Beaumont, Chimay, Froidchapelle, Momignies and Sivry-Rance, has made it a priority to highlight this heritage, in order to reinforce territorial identity.
This is why the LAG is putting on an exhibition which aims to sketch a portrait of what constitutes our territory’s identity. The exhibition will also highlight the richness and variety of the heritage found across the five municipalities located to the south of our beautiful metropolis. The aim is to encourage respect for and preservation of what can only be described as our region’s soul.
Come and discover your local architectural heritage during the exhibition “Le Patrimoine de la Botte du Hainaut” which will be held from 17 September to 4 October at the Centre Culturel de Beaumont (22, rue de la Déportation) and from 6 October to 18 October at the Espace Rogier in Chimay (10, rue Rogier).